Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Cha cha cha changes....

Lately I've been getting a kick out of hearing folks talk about how things have changed. Everything from economics, politics, and of course.... people themselves.

Well I hate to go bursting bubbles but..... none of that has changed, in fact very little has changed in a few centuries. People are still the greedy, vain, lustful douchebags they have always been and that dictates the way everything else in this world is. Alright, so maybe something has changed but it's not people or the motivation behind their behavior. Perspective.... mine for sure and probably yours.... that's what changed. As we grow older and (hopefully) wiser from the lessons life hammered us with, the way we view things or the way things affect us has changed.

I'll elaborate more later but for now it's 4/20/2016 and I'm going to change my perspective right now by lighting up a tiny forest fire wrapped in paper and breathing deeply. ;)